Hey guys, welcome back to my channel. Today's video is going to be about my green card interview experience in the USA. I live in Florida, but my interview was in Montgomery, which is about two to three hours away. The interview was scheduled for 11:30 in the morning, so I woke up at 6:00 and arrived at the building around 8:30. There was a security check and a waiting area. I waited for about two hours until my name was called. The officer conducting the interview was a very nice woman. She asked for my documents and I provided my employment authorization ID and my husband's military ID. She also asked for my passport and verified my birth date. She asked if we had any joint accounts or mortgages with my husband, and I explained that we did. After the interview, I went through another security check before leaving the building. They asked if I had any criminal records, and I said no.
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New card is being produced i-360 Form: What You Should Know
The beneficiary” has to be an individual who is a U.S. citizen, or who is a lawful permanent resident for a period of at least 5 months within the 4 months immediately preceding the filing of this petition. The petitioner has to be a U.S. citizen OR a foreign national who is a naturalized citizen of the United States, or who had lawfully resided in the U.S. for 3 years immediately preceding the filing of this petition; and is unable to comply with any of the other requirements for a card unless the U.S. citizen or foreign national has (1) resided in the U.S. longer than 4 months immediately preceding the filing of this petition, or (2) been lawfully admitted to the United States for a period of at least 3 years immediately preceding the filing of this petition. It's not uncommon to see petitions with a beneficiary not being a U.S. citizen and having a lawful residence in another country. Jul 15, 2025 to Sep 25, 2025 — On this petition, it specifies that the EAD beneficiary is either an alien, a U.S. citizen who is legally unable to comply with this requirement, or a foreign national who is not a U.S. citizen. The beneficiary has to be a U.S. citizen. The petitioner must be a U.S. citizen (and not a foreign national). If a foreign national and a citizen apply with this same petition, the petitioner will be required to submit a separate NCCA-1 form from their first petition. Once USCIS finds that the beneficiary is a U.S. citizen, and it can be verified that the petition is authorized (it will show EAD if in fact this isn't the case), the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has 30 days to approve the petition or deny it, depending on the facts of the case. If USCIS doesn't make a decision on the petition after the required 30-day period (for example: you filed a petition for an EAD and are currently waiting on a decision), the beneficiary will have 7 days to submit another Form I-360 in order to reopen the 30-day wait. If the beneficiary doesn't respond to the petition within the 7-day period (if they live in the U.S.
online solutions help you to manage your record administration along with raise the efficiency of the workflows. Stick to the fast guide to do Form I-360, steer clear of blunders along with furnish it in a timely manner:
How to complete any Form I-360 online: - On the site with all the document, click on Begin immediately along with complete for the editor.
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PDF editor permits you to help make changes to your Form I-360 from the internet connected gadget, personalize it based on your requirements, indicator this in electronic format and also disperse differently.
Video instructions and help with filling out and completing New card is being produced i-360